Wednesday, 30 January 2013

De Gaudiis Opus

This essay should have been called of the joys of labour. I think I cannot recall a situation when, with regard to the subjects of working and jobs in general, I would not hear the eternal phrase "in life, you have to do that which you like". I myself am guilty of using this poor reasoning more times than I wish to admit. However, I am at the point where I not only wish to marshal my facts so that I may present what in my opinion is the truth, but I am also in awe how a very simple-minded take on life could be held in such high esteem by people whom I thought to be of much greater mental quality and whose rational critique narrowly impressed me.

It would be indeed both useless and a waste of time to dwell again on the subjects of my previous 3 articles. If you have not read them, do so, in order to not wrongly accuse me of sophistical thinking, where presumably I allow my ideas to flow on a path littered with errors of premise. I shall not, thus, address the idea that education is extremely poor and simplified today, to the point where it narrowly misses the harrowing position of catering to the lowest common denominator of humanity. This is nothing more than fact. It has reached the point where if you attempt to free yourself from the shackles of poor education and follow the ideals set forth by Leonardo da Vinci and other Hominis Universalis you will find yourself being scoffed at by the very people who in their own private circles and indeed their own private bathrooms consider themselves as well-read, distinctly educated individuals with a poignant opinion. Educated people scoffing at other educated people out of spite and envy. Progress needs to be halted, because progress nowadays means going back to certification of merit. And seeing as merit is no longer relevant, I bid you welcome to the land of today. I must, however, urge you to smile, as tomorrow the situation will most likely spiral further until it reaches the blissful point of utter and complete ignorance.

This entire collection of essays is actually a revolt against said conformist petty-minded good-in-everyone oriented education. I shall transform not knowing into an art, as knowing disgusts me nowadays to the point where the more "education" an individual appears to have, the less likely I am tempted to establish any sort of contact and be once again chagrined by how much self-sufficiency and crass disinterest towards rational critique lie behind the wall of great and many "achievements".

We have thence established the disquieting nature of today's education, we have yet again enforced the idea that the people of today have extremely disconcerting ideals, and if you have stuck here long enough to get to this point you are ready to admit that which you have always known. Not every individual is relevant, not everybody is "good at something", not everybody should "have a place in the world" and most certainly life is not about doing what you like. This hedonistic epicurian misunderstanding stems from a clever manipulation: people who think they like what they do work with the most efficiency. And yes, the brain can be fooled in a wide array of ways, that is why a new job always comes with perks, trainings and the like, to fool the brain into thinking it has struck gold and has found heaven on earth in the form of a job. However, regardless of the complexity, of the complicated nature or of the ever-present challenges one faces while being employed anywhere, inevitably, if one is smart enough, routine will settle in. And this cannot be prevented in any manner, I'm afraid. The brain is hard-wired to operate in patterns but it is also hard-wired to seek pleasure. Perhaps a promotion or a raise due to the fact that you have strictly adhered to a pattern 1000 times seems like a proper stimulation of the feeling of praise, however although the brain might associate following the pattern with an award, it will get tired and eventually bored due to an overworking of synapses. The brain needs a new challenge in order to function properly. And man is expected to work for the better part of 50 years of his life, every year.

Of course, perhaps most of the people, with sufficient training and simple pleasures to occupy their worthless time at home can be docile and might "be efficient" at a "job they loved, but now are not so sure". There is no point in taking "liking" something as a criterium for choosing a path in life. You may find that something extremely difficult is very pleasurable after many failed attempts, and you might find that something you "like" because it was easy for you to accomplish is actually extremely boring in the long run, as the brain gets used to the pattern easily and routine quickly settles in. The only redeeming chance if you are not part of the flock and do not want to be herded for 50 years, is to make use of creativty and force your mind to be each day much better than the day before. You owe it to yourself, because at the end of the day the only thing you HAVE TO accomplish is this life is see yourself to the grave. Might as well make the journey as interesting as possible. Especially with respect to the choice of company.

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